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tv   CNN Newsroom- Paris Terror Attacks  CNN  November 14, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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welcome to you viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm erin burnett in paris. >> and i'm wolf blitzer in washington. this is breaking news coverage of the paris terror attacks that have left 129 people dead and 352 people injured, 99 of the wounded are said to be in critical condition. we have some chilling new video we want to share with you right now.
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[ gunfire ] this was obtained by a french publication. you can see the gun battle between the terrorist and the police outside the bataclan concert hall where so many of the young victims were killed. isis is now claiming responsibility for what is the deadliest terror attack in europe in more than a decade. >> and wolf, prosecutors believe three teams of terrorists with armed assault rifles and wearing explosive suicide belts carried out six separate attacks, coordinated attacks. authorities have carried out several raids overnight in belgium in connection with the attacks here in paris. they're learning a lot more about how this happened. one of the cars used by the thrift was rented by someone with french nationality in belgium. that individual and two others
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have been taken into custody, although at this time we don't know whether they were involved. there's just so many questions that we don't have the answers to yet tonight. jim sciutto is with me tonight outside the bataclan here in paris where so much of this carnage happened. there are so many questions now as we learn more. there are more questions, they have taken these people into custody, but who are they and how many more? >> the most alarming words i hear, the deputy mayor of paris saying there is no indication that the terror threat is over. that did not sound like an official speaking out of an abundance of caution. they have great concern there are still attackers or supporters out there. so the terror threat level remains very high. you remember there was a false alarm, raids in a hotel. but that's where they stand right now. they're not leaving anything to
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chance. >> and in terms of this rental car situation, we understand at this time, the situation is still quickly developing, but there were rental cars in belgium, brought here to paris, one a black volkswagen right here outside the bataclan theater. they have now apprehended a man who they say rented one of those cars. >> right, as he tried to cross the border back into belgium. >> the presumption is that he was involved? >> that's the concern, no question. keep in mind, it's not the only threat leading back to belgium. you had raids earlier in the day there, which belgium authorities said were tied to these attacks. belgium is a hot bed of jihadism. there was a lot from belgium foiled and this was some concern what happened here might have originated in belgium. >> there's also concern, they were all wearing matching
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suicide vests, they were wearing explosives made from products bought from as basic as a beauty salon. there could be more to come. >> this speaks to -- listen, there's a lot of concern and the president said it in so many words, that an attack like this, seven attackers which were killed needed a larger support network to carry it out and one clue is this person who drove this rental car back to belgium. but there was other forms of support. who gave them the materials to make the bombs, the kalashnikovs and the ammunition. this kind of explosive, you can make in the kitchen. i've spoken to counterterrorism officials, they will track purchases of these things.
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>> what is so terrifying, that is something that presumably they were doing right here in paris, yet this happened under their ice. jim sciutto, thank you. jim will be back later on. last night here at the bataclan, it was pandemonium of a kind that is incomprehensible for anyone to understand that was not there. someone in a building across that club caught the panic on cell phone video. i want to show it to you now in full. it is disturbing, but i do believe important to give all of us a brief understanding of how horrific this was. [ screams ] [ gunfire ]
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>> joining me now is shane thomas mcmillen, an american freelance photographer and filmmaker who saw the theater attack as survivors streamed out into the street last night, right where we are. shane, i appreciate your joining us obviously so late tonight here in paris. for those that just saw that video, it was filmed directly behind me on the corner there. what did you see, shane? >> -- the building adjoined, and he could really only hear everything. after the shooting ended, we went downstairs, down at the street level and they were bringing people around that
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corner, and placing the injured in the courtyards, right behind. and we walked down into that, into the scene of the medical personnel, to get everything stabilized. >> shane, you are someone who are a professional at taking pictures and capturing images. you saw something last night that you never expected to see. as you saw that and decided to take those pictures, what went through your mind? >> actually, i didn't take any photos. i -- people, for obvious reasons, were not in the mood to have a camera in their face, and
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i understood that and didn't actually feel like putting it there. and so i took a few photos of moments where i felt like it was appropriate. but in general, i tried to -- i was doing some reporting for pri on the phone, and helping a few people here and there with little things. but it was an overwhelming -- it was visually overwhelming and emotionally, as well. it was a really tough situation. i was watching people's lives change right in front of my eyes. it was really humbling. >> shane, the building where you were staying, the apartment building was turned into a triage center. what did you see? did you see people who were able to be saved there? >> uh, yeah, some people were. other people weren't.
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i wasn't -- i wasn't right there for all of it. because of my camera, i had to leave the area. so i was there but not right in it for very long, to be honest. i was more out on the street where people were being sort of put into the courtyards or where a lot of people were looking for -- it was people in every sort of different state that you can imagine after something like this. >> what did -- what do you remember most? and i know it must be so hard to accept what you've seen, but what do you remember most about the survivors? >> i don't really feel like going into detail, but just the things that happened inside of there. one young couple, after i had
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come around and checked on them a few times, opened up and told me a little bit about what happened inside. we all heard what that is now. but to hear that from people who were in their physical condition was really just shocking. just very, very shocking. >> shane, thank you for joining us and for sharing. i know that you are shell shocked, as so many are. wolf, to you in washington. >> thank you very much. earlier today, about 200 miles away in belgium, police kicked in doors, conducting coordinated raids. our cnn correspondent is on the phone joining us. you're in belgium. what can you tell us about these raids? >> reporter: we understand this is a large-scale police operation, wolf, targeting at
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least three homes. eyewitnesss report seeing at least one person led away, and this goes back to the heart of the search for the broader support network that was backing these attackers. the link here, the crucial link here that police are investigating is that black volkswagen. we understand from the paris prosecutor that the man who, at the time was believed to be driving that volkswagen at the scene of the attacks, he was apprehended attempting to cross the border, but not in that car. the car itself is registered here in belgium. he was caught with two others who also are residents here of belgium. so there's a sense that the broader trail leads back here, which has been a neighborhood of real concern for authorities in belgium for a while, wolf. >> nima, police expect a belgium man supplied the terrorists of the "charlie hebdo" attack in january of this year, supplied
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them with the weapons. how concerned are european officials in belgium and elsewhere that belgium could be a new hot bed of terror? >> reporter: hugely, wolf. in terms of per capita, in terms of those going to fight in syria, in terms of those coming back from syria, belgium has a disproportionate number of young men and women who have been radicalized. this neighborhood here, very close to when the "charlie hebdo" attacks happened, there was a small terror attack here in belgium that led back here. so this has been really at the center of authority's concerns for a while, and this only escalates that worry.
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>> nima, stand by. we'll get back to you throughout the night as our special coverage continues. i want to get some more on what's going on. joining us now is peter bergen, the former fbi assistant director sean hennry. peter, isis claimed responsibility for these terror attacks in paris, calling them "the first of the storm," meaning they're promising a whole lot more. the french president hollande says this was in fact an isis attack. how credit is this isis assertion that they did this? >> well, let's start with the fact that no one else asserted that they did it, and add to that the fact that the syrian passport was recovered. it's not clear if that person was a syrian, but there's no reason to discount this claim of responsibility. >> what does it say to you that this attack was very coordinated and very deadly, may have been coordinated or initiated outside of france, maybe in belgium or someplace else? >> we heard isis talk about
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this, the saber rattling when they want to attack the west. this was well coordinated. it took a lot of time. this was weeks or months into the planning. and jim sciutto mentioned this was a large network of people. this is a game changer for us in terms of isis' capabilities and how they're going to try to impact not only western europe but the united states. >> you're a former fbi agent. you know the fbi. they've issued a directive to all fbi field offices here in the united states, "make sure you know where everyone is." what kind of specific steps would fbi field offices be taking right now, even if there's no real credible, immediate threat to follow suit in france and paris, here in the united states? >> well, wolf, i think they want to make sure that they're up to date on all the intelligence gathering, checking in with every informant in that community, going to community leaders and checking in with them also. making sure that all your dots
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and ts are crossed on your investigations. we don't want to be in a situation where we had an investigation on someone and that person ends up doing a terrorist attack. >> everyone wants to air on the side of caution. stand by, guys. we have a lot more to discuss. we're following the breaking news. we're just getting in new information about that american college student killed in the paris terror attacks. our special live coverage continues in a moment. welcome. we have three chevy's here. alright. i want you to place this award on the podium next to the vehicle that you think was ranked highest in initial quality by j.d. power. hmm. can i look around at them? sure. highest ranking in initial quality. it's gotta be this one. this is it. you are wrong. really? actually it's all three. you tricked me. j.d. power ranked the chevy malibu, silverado half-ton and equinox highest in initial quality in their segments. that's impressive! i'm very surprised! i am. i'm very surprised. chevy hit three home runs.
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around the world. we have breaking news at this hour. french police right now hunting for what they believe are isis terrorists. i'm erin burnett here in paris. outside the bataclan nightclub where there was such slaughter last night. the city is under virtual lockdown tonight. paris still reeling from terrorist attacks. 128 innocent people killed. that number is going to grow. 99 people at this hour in critical condition tonight. pamela brown is in washington tonight. pamela, what is the latest that you know? >> reporter: i can tell you, erin, counterterrorism officials have been worried about something like this happening. people going out on their friday night, going to the theater to listen to a band, to the restaurants, to a soccer game when all of a sudden terrorists launched near simultaneous attacks on the so-called soft targets, causing horror across paris.
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[ gunfire ] french police spread across paris friday after a series of attacks. one gun battle erupts outside the bataclan concert hall. three teams of terrorists are armed with kalashnikov rifles and explosive devices, unleashing chaos across the streets of paris. it starts at 9:20 p.m. a soccer match between france and germany is rocked by a thunderous explosion. french officials say an apparent suicide bomber detonates, killing himself and an innocent bystander. france's president on site is taken away to safety. >> the ground shook and i thought there's something wrong here. >> reporter: five minutes later, the second attack at two paris restaurants. terrorists opened fire, killing at least 15, seriously wounding 10 more. french officials say the killers
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wore masks. shell casings indicate they fired more than 100 rounds. >> we heard huge gunshots and lots of glass coming through the window. so we ducked onto the floor with the other diners. >> reporter: 9:30, a second explosion outside the soccer stadium. thousands of fans flee the scene. the body of a second suicide bomber is found. 9:32, a team of terrorists open fire outside a bar. five people are killed, eight others wounded. 9:36, at least 19 people are shot and killed outside another restaurant. inside where the american band eagles of death were playing, more explosions of gunfire. witnesses say the attackers came in firing and at least one person he heard yelling "allohu akbar." the terrorist hold a living hostage for several hours before police stormed the hall.
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at least 89 killed. four attackers also dead, three wearing explosive belts. >> from the ground floor, a lot of dead bodies and blood and some people had dinner and had to stay for several hours among dead corpses and they went out covered with blood. >> reporter: then 9:53, a third explosion near the soccer stadium. police later find the body of another suicide bomber. a siege of gunfire, explosions and blood shed, leading to the deadliest terror attack in europe in more than a decade. we are now learning more about an american victim killed, 23-year-old nohemi gonzalez, studying design in paris. as a result of this death, the fbi has jurisdiction to assist in this investigation and we have learned that the fbi is
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sending a team to paris to provide support as needed. erin? >> pamela, thank you very much. it is so chilling to hear it, minute by minute what happened last night. wolf, as every name that is starting to come out, an entire life and entire story, we are now just beginning to learn about the victims. >> so many of them simply watching a concert of an american rock band. erin, of the 129 people killed inrampage, at least one of them is an american. tell us more about this young woman brutally killed by these terrorists, paul. >> reporter: wolf, nohemi gonzalez, by all accounts, was an absolutely talented and gifted design student, loved by so many. a close family friend telling us
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that she was a beautiful person and a gift of life and should be remembered for her spirit. and here at long beach campus, a makeshift memorial emerging behind me. and the university's president and others using words such as heart broken, and tragic. now, one of nohemi's design professors was talking about how hardworking this group is, and he went further to say that she was admired throughout the design program for how talented she was and that she was a mentor. i asked him if he could describe her personality. >> she was a shining star, and she brought joy, happiness, laughter to everybody she worked with, and her students, her classmates, she functioned like a bit of a mentor to the younger students. she was a deep, profound presence in our department and she will be extraordinarily,
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profoundly missed. she had a very buoyant, joyous personality. she was extremely lively, extremely energetic. no short an of anything you couldn't ask her to do and she would be there for us. >> reporter: and this student also received international recognition. she was part of a global contest, 71 entries and 22 countries. here group from here at long beach state finished second and won $3,000. it was about a sustainable product in which you would have fruit and nuts in a biodegradable package. it says something about her consciousness. by all accounts, just a rising star and extremely loved and talented design student. back to you, wolf. >> paul, such a heartbreaking story. our deepest condolences to her family and to all those murdered
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in paris. what a heartbreaking story inside. up next, we're getting new information about isis and its claim of responsibility for the carnage in paris. our special live coverage continues. more breaking news right after this. they think that it's sad. i think it's important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so their lives still matter. that is what i do this for.
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you are looking at live pictures right now of the french consulate in new york city. new yorkers showing solidarity
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with the french, a day after such an atrocity, mementos left there as they are here, where i can see off to the side of our camera outside the bataclan nightclub. i am erin burnett in paris, this is cnn's special live breaking coverage of the paris attacks. 129 dead, 352 injured, nearly 100 critically. the number of dead could climb. tonight, the city is at a crisis level unseen since world war ii. one french official saying there is real fear that more attackers are still at large. that official, the deputy mayor of paris. the paris prosecutor says one of the terrorists has been identified as a 30-year-old french national from a paris suburb. this is someone they knew about. they had identified him as having been radicalized five years ago. they never accused him of terrorism, though, and lacked the resources to fully track him. isis today claiming responsibility for the terror attacks, calling the rampage the first of what they say is a
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"storm" promising more carnage. evan perez joins us now. evan, what are your sources telling you about isis' involvement as to isis core lead thing opposed to it being locally inspired? >> reporter: they have no reason to doubt what the french are saying, which is that this was an isis operation. now, the question that is still hanging in the air is whether or not this was something that was directed from raqqa, whether isis headquarters, or whether this is something that they simply set the ball rolling and had these guys who were essentially a sleeper cell sitting in france that was going to carry it out. the question is, is something the fbi is working hard at this weekend, simply because they want to know if there's anything else that could be coming and whether or not this attack is something that may signal some of the dozens of u.s. isis supporters that they are keeping
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an eye on, whether any of those people might be activated by what happened in paris. that is something on their minds right now. they're looking at some of the communication intercepts that, as you know, the u.s. intelligence and fbi are always taking a look at. so far, erin, they've not come up with anything that really indicates any kind of command and control. now, the question that the fbi is also wondering whether or not this indicates these terrorists were communicating in ways that is simply off the radar for u.s. and french intelligence. that's something that is on their mind and they want to examine the electronics these terrorists were carrying to make sure there's no perhaps some apps that they were using that were off the radar. >> evan, that's one of the things that is very terrifying about this. you had seven people plus we don't know how many more were assisting and helping them communicating in a way that french intelligence, u.s. intelligence that nobody saw.
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that is something that is very scary when you hear a country like france was on high alert and supposedly monitoring everything, that they clearly weren't aware where these communications were happening. that's something that must make officials in the united states scared, as well. what is the u.s. doing to try to find these communications? >> reporter: exactly. the idea that you would have seven or eight attackers that would have to account for perhaps one could have gotten stuck in traffic, that's all kinds of things that could have gone wrong. the fact that they were able to carry it out almost simultaneously tells you that they were in communication, at least the fbi believes they were in communication before the attacks. the question of how people can be off the radar is something the fbi itself found, if you remember in may there was an attack that two men tried to carry out against a prophet muhammad drawing contest in
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garland, texas. they were watching a suspect, and the next thing they know he turns up in garland. he was not successful, the two men were killed before they carried out the attack. but it shows you how easily these things can slip past intelligence. >> evan perez, thank you very much. wolf, to you. >> thanks, erin. i want to bring back our national security analyst, peter bergen, sean hennry, and foria eunice. peter, it looks like isis is expanding its reach. originally they were fighting in iraq and syria. but they apparently took down that russian airliner, killing 224 people in egypt. they had a huge twin suicide bombing in beirut, killing 40 people, injuring a whole lot more and another suicide bombing in baghdad. it looks like there's a new stage. they're moving beyond their territory in iraq and syria.
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they want to go global, which used to be the hallmark of al qaeda. >> we can add to that list an attack in belgium in 2014 where they attacked a jewish museum, killing 24 people. it was all about coming to the caliphate in iraq and syria. as their propaganda evolves, it's about attacks in the west. so they are in a new phase. >> are you surprised, shawn, a pretty sophisticated operation in paris, that french officials and law enforcement didn't have a better handle of what's going on? >> i'm not that surprised. and there's a couple of reasons. one is, there's a growing concern among citizens that governments are too pervasive in their intelligence collection. we're seeing that in europe as
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well as here in the united states. but the second piece is this whole piece evan just brought up which is the encryption, applications being used to hide the capability for law enforcement or the intelligence agencies to intercept or decipher these communications. so they can identify the totality of these cells. that has always been a hallmark of law enforcement in the intelligence community, in terms of disrupting these types of events. that is a serious challenge for the fbi now and worldwide intelligence. >> shawn, when i interviewed james comey, the fbi director last summer, he said to me isis is now the biggest threat to the u.s. homeland. but he also spoke about these encrypted apps that they have now, which the u.s. and other intelligence services really can't monitor. >> right. so it is all about disruption now. intelligence is about identifying what's going to happen and disrupting it before harm can come to innocent civilians. getting communications to identify the totality of the individuals part of that conspiracy is critical.
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with that black spot, that blind spot, law enforcement, the fbi, intelligence agencies are going to be hampered. and we may see more of these attacks because we can't disrupt them. >> how sophisticated were these attacks? >> you had -- they came in from belgium, so they were in another country and they had different citizens coming in. one of these could have been one of the refugees that could have come into the country, to build a bomb, to plan that attack. if law enforcement had one clue, one idea that this was going to happen, there's another people that knew about this, that this could have been prevented. to make this go forward, not be captured on initial surveillance, not be captured in all of the planning stages is extremely difficult. so it was sophisticated and hard for them to make this happen. >> and the amazing thing is, correct me if i'm wrong, peter, is that a horrible massacre like
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this, killing all these people, so many young people especially at that concert hall, listening to a rock band, that american rock band, it's going to inspire others recruiting for isis, they're -- more of these people are going to join this cause, as sick as this sounds. >> we can guaranty that "beat" will come out with an issue that se celebrates what you're saying. isis is precise about the applications it suggests its recruits use. so for instance, it says use android phones, they're much more secure than other phones. they also suggest using the black part of the internet. so they are telling all their recruits to communicate in this way that is very hard for law enforcement to detect. >> and there's -- the higa heig state of alert in new york city, other major cities around the
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united states. a lot of nfl football games tomorrow. heightened security. is that wise to do that right now, shawn? >> i think it's wise to always do it. we're in a new world, and this is what we're going to see in the near future. i think some of the things that the fbi may be concerned about, director comey said there are active investigations, terrorism related in all 50 states. the concern that those people that might be aspirational today, that by seeing this type of coverage, by listening to what's happening on twitter and elsewhere on social media, it might cause them to become active. when you asked earlier, what is the fbi doing, they've got full coverage on everybody they believe is high threat and enhancing their coverage to disrupt or throw somebody off if they're going to operationalize. >> peter, why france? >> france has more fighters going to syria than any other. 1800 according to the french prime minister. france is part of the commotion and you can drive from damascus to paris, but not from damascus
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to new york. it's an easier target. and it's a very big infrastructure. we're seeing with the january attacks and also the belgium arrests that prevented an i tack, and the infrastructure is there, in a way that it really isn't here. yes, there are 50 investigations, but the investigations in the united states, you know, a lot of these people don't have automatic weapons, they're not building bombs. it's a different atmosphere here in terms of these jihadi crimes. coming up, a father and a son who were inside that concert hall where so much of the carnage took place, what they heard could provide some important clues for the investigators. we'll hear directly from them when we come back.
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i'm erin burnett in paris tonight, continuing our special breaking coverage of what french president hollande has called an act of war. coordinated terror attacks across the city. i know you've had a chance to speak to people who witnessed what became such slaughter at the bataclan club, which is right behind where i'm standing. you heard them tell what happened and it's incredibly hard to hear. >> that's right, erin. we spoke to a father and son, an australian national, john leader, his 12-year-old son, oscar. they were going to a concert on a saturday night. john has lived here for 15 years, and they were able to get very close -- or rather they found themselves in the
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unfortunate position of being very close to those attackers and yet they still lived to tell the tale. take a listen, erin. >> we heard this bang, bang, bang. like everybody else, we thought it was fireworks or part of the show. and then it felt something go past my ear. i didn't know if it was a bird or something. and then i realized somebody is going towards the stage. everybody threw themselves on the ground. i stuck my head up from the desk, i saw the two shooters. one was changing his magazine. >> reporter: what did he look like if >> he looked like a young fellow, nothing in particular at all. >> reporter: did you hear him speak at all? >> i did. i heard him at one point say something about syria. i think you heard it better, oscar. >> he said you need to think about syria, but in french. there wasn't any accent or anything. >> obviously a native french
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speaker. i could see one of the guys was doing crowd control and the other guy was executing. so there was no chance, there was a terrorist incident here in europe a few months ago, there was no chance of anybody being a hero. one was covering the crowd, the other was doing the shooting. >> reporter: it must have been one of the worst moments of your life, fearing your son could have been hit. >> yeah, i was screaming out his name and thought he couldn't be far away so he should shout at dad or something. >> reporter: have you ever seen a dead body before? >> no, it was my first time and i was -- i was lying just next to one, which really was in a very uncomfortable position at that moment. >> reporter: you must have been very, very frightened. >> yeah.
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>> reporter: and you heard there, erin, they said spoke french like native french speakers, and the french have identified one of those attackers as a native. he had a criminal record. he seemed really well trained raising questions how someone like this was able to go under the radar. aire >> just an incredible conversation. coming up, officials say security is being overwhelmed by radicalization and the deputy mayor of paris tonight telling poppy harlow they do not know if this series of terrorist attacks is over. more of our breaking news coverage with myself and wolf blitzer ahead. good. very good. you see something moving off the shelves
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the world remembering those who were brutally massacred in paris last night. the left part of your screen, you see memorials already coming to the embassy in washington, d.c. people bringing flowers,
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candles, paying their respects, as well. welcome back. this is our cnn special coverage of the paris terror attacks. i'm wolf blitzer reporting. the extent of the radicalization clearly has overwhelmed french security services, even before these attacks, the french prime minister called the terrorist threat facing france unprecedented in his words. cnn's brian todd is taking a look at this part of the story for us. >> reporter: france's problem with muslim extremists blew up last night. inside the muslim community in france, common criminals often come under the influence of hardline clerics or become radicalized. one man who took part in the theater assault last night was known to police. investigators pulled fingerprints from one of the terrorists. from that, they know they have at least one homegrown attacker. a 29-year-old man, born in the southern suburbs of paris.
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a common criminal, the prosecutor says, who had been arrested eight times. >> translator: an individual who was never put in prison and in 2010 was identified as radicalized but never involved in terrorism. >> reporter: petty criminals who go on to lunch devastating attacks. if it sounds familiar, the brothers who carried out the "charlie hebdo" attacks were from a poor section of paris. at least one spent time in prison. both became radicalized. it's a problem not unique to france, but is certainly seen on a larger scale. france has one of the largest muslim contingents in the west, almost 8% of the country's population. >> 70% of the prison population is muslim in france. that is extraordinary, and it shows that this is a marginalized group. this is also a group that has
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criminals in the underclass. >> reporter: unemployment is staggering and they haven't assimilated with other french citizens. the french ban on head wear adds to their feeling of discrimination and isolation. >> marginalization, poverty, unemployment, high ratings of arrest and police attention on minorities. so they feel already that they're under siege. >> reporter: and ripe for recruitment by radical clerics who appear in so many of their neighborhoods. >> extremists look for those openings, where someone feels like they're not getting a fair shake and try to exploit them to draw more people into their cause. >> reporter: analysts say the french security services are overwhelmed and can't get their arms around the problem. cnn has told french intelligence has opened surveillance files on about 5,000 extremists throughout the country and they can't monitor them all the time. they have to figure out who they
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believe the most dangerous ones are and hope they're following the right people. >> these extremists leave the country and can come back in freely. >> that's right. the french laws allow them to do that. as a result, france has supplied more fighters to syria, more than any other nation. and the fear is hundreds of them are coming back. coming up, new details of the intelligence surrounding the paris intelligence attacks. the possibility of a flare swas almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to
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6:00 pm
welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm erin burnett in paris. >> and i'm wolf blitzer in washington. this is cnn special breaking news conference of the paris terrorist attacks that has left 129 people dead, 352 people injured. of those people injured, almost 100 of them critically injured. at this hour, if names of those killed, they are beginning to be released. >> wolf, with every name, a story and a life lost. a california college student, nohemi gonzalez, 23 years old. cnn has also learned that the


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